
Official Royal Wedding pictures

Official Royal Wedding pictures
Official Royal Wedding pictures are released
Clarence House today released the official Royal Wedding album that shows the beaming bride and groom in the throne room at Buckingham Palace.
Prince William and Kate posed for the stunning photographs shortly after getting married in a moving ceremony that captivated the world yesterday.
The newly-titled Duke and Duchess of Cambridge appeared to be lost in matrimonial bliss as they smiled for the traditional wedding day photo album taken by Hugo Burnand. He said the scenes clearly reveal the couple's love for each other.
No sooner had they arrived at Buckingham Palace from the service at Westminster Abbey did the rapturous family assume their positions for the pictures.
In the first photograph the couple stand arm-in-arm together against a stunning rich red velvet backdrop trimmed with gold. The second official photograph shows William and Kate in a more informal pose. Kate's wonderful dress flows onto the floor around them as she clutches her bouquet.
In the picture, the heir to the throne wore the ceremonial uniform of the Welsh Guards but was shown in a very relaxed seated pose with his arm across the back of an ornate chair.
Sitting around the newlyweds are two pageboys and four bridesmaids. They are from clockwise from the bottom right The Hon. Margarita Armstrong-Jones, Miss Eliza Lopes, Miss Grace van Cutsem, Lady Louise Windsor, Master Tom Pettifer, Master William Lowther-Pinkerton.
Mr Burnand said he hoped his photos looked 'effortless, relaxed and friendly'.
He said his favourite photograph was one of the newlyweds with the bridesmaids and page boys, but there were only seconds to set it up and the children were coaxed with promises of jelly beans and sweets.
He said: 'It was a picture we all wanted to take but we didn't know if we were ever going to have the time to do it.'
He said that, because he had discussed with his team and everyone in the picture knew what they were going to have to do, they were able to rush into position.
'When you look at those individual children in that picture you are seeing those children and their characters.
'That's the same with the bride and groom in the middle of the picture as well. That's really them. There's no time for direction, we've done all that.'
In the third photograph, the newlyweds pose for the traditional wedding photograph flanked by their families.
To the left of Kate stands her father Michael Middleton, mother Carole Middleton, brother James Middleton and sister Philipa Middleton.
Standing by William's side is Prince Harry, followed by Prince Charles,Camilla and Master Tom Pettifer.
The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh sit on the front way with Miss Grace van Cutsem and Miss Eliza Lopes to their right.
One the other side of the front row in front of the Middleton family is the Hon. Margarita Armstrong-Jones, Lady Louise Windsor, Master William Lowther-Pinkerton.
The official pictures of William and Kate's wedding were shot to show two families coming together, according to Mr Burnand.
'Amazingly it was a family wedding,' he said.
'From where I was and from their point of view it was two families coming together and that was the feeling, the sense of family and love going between everyone.
'They had their own buzz. Everyone had their own buzz. It was that excitement that I hope you feel at most weddings.'
Asked about his technique, he said: 'I hope it looks effortless and relaxed and friendly and smiley because that is how it was.
'But that comes from months of preparation, hours of setting up, and being so organised that you are sort of in control at the time.'
Mr Burnand had only a short period of time between the couple's arrival at Buckingham Palace and their appearance on the balcony to take the official photographs.
He said: 'I hope when you look at the picture you feel, as a viewer, that you're engaged with the people in the picture. The only way to do that is to be engaged as a photographer.'
Bridesmaid Grace van Cutsem, the new Duke of Cambridge's three-year-old goddaughter, won hearts at the wedding when she was pictured on the balcony with her hands over her ears.
Mr Burnand said he had met and photographed her as a bridesmaid before.
He said: 'When she walked in I was able to go straight up to her and talk to her about the last time we had met and explain to her it was the same thing and she knew what was going to happen.
'She was great. She's so adorable, Grace. They were all fantastic actually. A bit cheeky some of them, but we like that.'
Mr Burnand said Kate was a keen photographer herself and he discussed the images with her and William before hand.
Speaking of the main picture, where the two families are pictured forward in the room in a warm spring light, he said: 'It was a team effort. She does have a good knowledge and keen interest in photography.
'She had good ideas. She put them to me. I used my technical knowledge and together we came up with that picture.'
He said the lack of time gave the pictures "good energy" because he knew they had to get on and do it.
Asked about the mood between the couple, he said: 'Fantastic. I don't know what to say - I love them.
'They are so bloody nice. They are just so nice as individuals and as a pair, and they work so well together.'
He said of the formal portrait of them standing side by side: 'In a way what I really like about that picture is that it is formal and it shows their respect for the formality, where they are, who they are.
'At the same time they are right side by side with each other and they are connected and they are touching, their arms are connected and they've got a smile on their face.
That picture really sums up a lot about them. They understand and respect where they are and yet you can still see a smile and love between them.'
He described the occasion as the 'gig of the century', adding: 'It was amazing, incredible, and there were a couple of moments where I did pinch myself.'
He added: 'As far as I'm aware everything went according to plan from the moment they walked in to the moment they walked out.'
Married life began for newlyweds William and Kate today when they left London for a mystery destination.
The couple spent last night partying at Buckingham Palace with their close family and friends in celebration of their wedding.
At the black-tie do, which started with dinner in the palace's lavish ballroom and ended with dancing into the small hours, Prince Harry gave his best man's speech.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, as the couple are now known after the Queen bestowed the title on her grandson, are expected to travel abroad for their honeymoon sometime in the next two weeks.
But this morning they left Buckingham Palace by helicopter for an undisclosed destination.
William and Kate began their journey by emerging hand in hand from the palace's garden entrance, located at the side of the imposing building.
In bright sunshine, they strolled along the gravel path and out into the open space where the maroon helicopter was waiting.
The Duke's new wife wore a light blue dress, dark jacket and platform shoes, while he was dressed in his trademark chinos with a pale blue shirt and navy jacket - a casual look in complete contrast to yesterday.
The couple, who spent the night at the Queen's official London home, stopped briefly to chat to two Royal Household footmen and appeared to be thanking for them after their stay.
When they finished, William put his hand on the small of his wife's back and they went over to talk to the helicopter pilot before climbing on board.
Before they boarded the aircraft, palace staff had carried out some of their luggage, which included a bouquet of white blooms.
The couple are said to still be on a high after their wedding day which was both an intimate family affair and a global event televised across the world.
Speculation has been mounting about where the couple could spend their time away together. Likely honeymoon destinations could include Africa - a continent for which William has a deep affection. He could take his wife to countries like Botswana, or Kenya, where he proposed.
There has been speculation that a secluded Caribbean island may be another option.
The couple could continue their wedding theme of championing the UK and spend part of their break in Scotland, where both the Queen and the Prince of Wales have private homes they could use.

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