
how to survive a bee attack

how to survive a bee attack

here are the 5 simple steps if you want to survive from a bee attack

Step 1: Run

Run away as quickly as possible. Avoid swatting or crushing any bees, as this will only worsen the attack. Getting out of there as fast as you can is the best way to neutralize them. Run for at least 100 yards.

Tip: Don't swat at the bees or wave your arms. Bees are attracted to movements.

Step 2: Protect your head

As you run, pull your shirt over your head to protect your ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. If you can't do that, use your hands to protect your face, leaving spaces between your fingers so you can see.

Step 3: Find shelter

Immediately seek the shelter of a building or vehicle. A few bees might follow you indoors, but in a well-lit area the bees can become confused and head for a window.

Tip: Water does not count as shelter. The bees won't swim, but they'll probably still be waiting for you when you come up for air.

Step 4: Get the stingers out

Once you reach safety, scrape the stingers out of your skin using your fingernails or any other flat, straight-edged surface. Never pull stingers out with your fingers or tweezers. That will just squeeze more venom into your skin.

Step 5: Clean the welts

When the stingers are out, clean the welts with soap and water like you would any other wound.

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