
dugard kidnapping sentence

dugard kidnapping sentence
dugard kidnapping sentence. Jaycee Lee Dugard Kidnapping Timeline. On Thursday, Phillip and Nancy Garrido will be sentenced at the El Dorado Superior Court in California. They face charges of kidnapping and rape in the Jaycee Lee Dugard case. They have struck plea deals, and neither one will be able to appeal the court's decision. Phillip faces a possible sentence of 431 years, and his wife, Nancy, faces 36 years in prison. Here are key events leading up to the sentencing:

August 1988: Phillip Garrido is released on parole.

Phillip Garrido is sentenced to 50 years in prison for kidnapping and raping Katherine Callaway Hall in 1976. He serves his sentence for 11 years and is released on parole.

June 10, 1991: Jaycee Lee Dugard is kidnapped.

Jaycee Dugard is kidnapped by the Garridos. Carl Probyn, Jaycee's stepfather, witnesses two people dragging the 11-year-old girl into a gray car as she walks to a school bus stop. He is not able to prevent the crime, but he notifies the police. The case quickly gains national attention, the FBI becomes involved and it's featured on the "America's Most Wanted" TV show.

June 10, 1992: The disappearance of Jaycee Dugard is remembered with a vigil.

The family of Jaycee Dugard holds a vigil one year after she is kidnapped.

Nov. 30, 2006: The police respond to a complaint at the Garrido household.

An opportunity to save Jaycee Dugard is missed. A neighbor calls the police to complain about Phillip Garrido. He mentions seeing children in tents in the Garrido back yard. The deputy questions Phillip Garrido but never goes into the back yard to investigate the accusations.

July 2008: The police miss another chance to save Jaycee Dugard.

The police question registered sex offenders in the neighborhood and talk to Phillip Garrido. Again, the home and back yard are not searched.

Aug. 25, 2009: Phillip Garrido is noticed on the campus of UC Berkeley.

Phillip Garrido is seen with two young girls on the campus of UC Berkeley. The girls are later identified as the daughters of Jaycee Dugard with Phillip Garrido. Police notice he is giving out religious pamphlets, and they discover his criminal past through a background check.

Aug. 26, 2009: Phillip and Nancy Garrido are arrested.

Phillip Garrido meets with the police. He brings Nancy Garrido, Jaycee Dugard and the two daughters to the meeting with a parole officer. After the revelation of Jaycee's true identity, Phillip and Nancy Garrido are arrested.

Sept. 14, 2009: Bail is set.

Following their arrest, both Phillip and Nancy Garrido plead not guilty, and 29 charges are brought against them. Judge Douglas Phimister sets the bail for Phillip at $30 million, but does not set any bail for Nancy Garrido.

June 24, 2010: The Department of Justice and Jaycee Dugard reach a settlement.

Jaycee Dugard is awarded $20 million for the negligence of the police department during her captivity and the lack of proper supervision of paroled Phillip Garrido.

April 7, 2011: Phillip Garrido pleads not guilty.

Phillip Garrido had previously confessed to the charges brought against him, but at this hearing, he pleads not guilty. A plea deal is eventually reached.

July 2011: Jaycee Dugard will release a book detailing her kidnapping.

Dugard is planning on releasing a book about her experiences during the 18 years she spent in captivity with the Garridos.


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