
Timeline norway attacks

Timeline norway attacks
Timeline norway attacks. The following is a timeline of events during the attacks on a Norwegian government building and a political retreat for young people, according to police and eyewitnesses. All times are local.—3:26 p.m.: A car bomb explodes outside the prime minister's office in central Oslo. —Around 4:50 p.m.: Vacationers at a campground begin to hear shooting across the lake on Utoya, an island where the youth wing of the Labor Party is being held. —5:38 p.m.: SWAT team is dispatched from Oslo. It drives, deciding that starting a police helicopter would take longer.

—By 6 p.m.: The team arrives at the lake, but it struggles to find a boat to cross over.

—6:20 p.m.: The SWAT team arrives on the island.

—6:35 p.m.: Suspect puts down weapons and surrenders to police.

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