
Video released of car hitting riot police

Video released of car hitting riot police

Video released of car hitting riot police. Scotland Yard has released footage of two police officers being mown down as they chased looters during last week's riots. The officers were investigating reports of an attack on a clothing store in Waltham Forest in north-east London when they were hit by a green Citroen that was driven at them at high speed. Detectives investigating the attempted murder of the officers said the footage had been released to encourage people to come forward and identify those responsible.

The incident took place in Royston Avenue at 1am on 8 August. The Citroen was driven at the officers as they tried to deal with looting at the Aristocrats clothing store on Chingford Mount Road.

One suffered knee and leg injuries and the other sustained shoulder injuries. They were both taken to hospital and are recovering at home while they wait for further specialist treatment.

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