
Justin Bieber is compared to The Beatles

Justin Bieber is compared to The Beatles, Justin Bieber's manager compares singer to Beatles. Justin Bieber‘s manager Scooter Braun has compared the Canadian singer to the Beatles.

“I don’t want to draw comparisons,” he is quoted as saying by Billboard magazine, “but there was a band during the British Invasion that had girls screaming at them. I think you know who I’m talking about.”Braun also addressed the subject of Bieber’s changing voice in the article thusly: “Vocally, his balls have dropped,” the manager said. justin bieber manager beatles, The Beatles, justin bieber screaming, screaming beatles fans,

You can find EW’s review of Bieber’s forthcoming Christmas CD, Under the Mistletoe, due November 1, in the issue on stands next Friday.


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