Lindsay Lohan And Battery Accuser, Lindsay Lohan wants a false report investigation of the woman who accuses her of shoving her at a nightclub last week, Lohan's lawyer said Tuesday.
The woman, whose name has not been made public, filed a report with the sheriff accusing Lohan of battery, but the actress insists she was not out clubbing last Thursday night.
Lohan lawyer Shawn Holley and the actress will visit the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department's West Hollywood substation to ask detectives to consider a false report charge against the accuser, Holley said.
"She was not there," Lohan publicist Steve Honig told CNN on Monday.
The shoving incident allegedly happened at the Standard Hotel's club on Sunset Boulevard on Thursday night, but the woman waited until Saturday to file a complaint at the sheriff department's West Hollywood substation.
"You have to wonder about someone who calls the media before the police," Honig said.
Sgt. Chris Bowman said Monday that a detective has the battery report and would check the story's validity.
"It's just an allegation," Bowman said.
The allegation comes less than two weeks after Lohan's supervised probation came to an end. She's no longer under the threat that any criminal complaint could become a probation violation leading to jail time.
A judge warned her last month that avoiding future trouble could be a challenge.
"I know it's hard when people are following you all over the place, but that's the life you chose," Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner told Lohan, advising her to "live your life in a more mature way, stop the nightclubbing and focus on your work."
Lohan is preparing to portray Elizabeth Taylor in a Lifetime movie, which starts filming next month. She also has a role in an upcoming episode of the hit Fox TV show "Glee."
Her recent hosting job on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" earned high ratings, and her photo spread in Playboy's January issue set sales records for the magazine.
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