Katy Perry Cools Down Long Distance, Despite passionately smooching him at Coachella festival last month the ‘I Kissed A Girl’ hitmaker has put the brakes on making things official. According to sources, although Perry was prepared to take herself off the market for him, she felt a long-distance relationship with Brit rocker would be too much like dating ex-Russell Brand again.
“Rob was the first guy Katy had been with since splitting from Russell,” the Mirror quoted a source as saying.
“She was still extremely fragile but had told pals their two weekends at Coachella together made her feel ‘sexy and alive’ again.
“Even when Rob left to continue touring America with Florence they would speak on the phone up to three times a day and she’d be constantly texting him,” the source said.
Perry had even told pals that she was falling for him and laughed at how she couldn’t get enough of “them British boys.”
But she quickly realised that Ackroyd would be jetting across the globe for the rest of the year and Perry decided that she couldn’t face another long-distance relationship.
“The main thing which led to her split with Russell was spending the majority of her marriage to him on tour and she said dating Rob felt like being with Russell all over again.
“It’s a shame as they both liked each other but Katy wants to be able to have a relationship with someone she isn’t constantly having to work out what time zone they’re in.
“Rob was gutted but Katy said she didn’t want to get in too deep and then break his heart so it was best to cut things off before they got serious,” the source added.
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