Rambo The Yorkie
Rambo The Yorkie - A 9-month-old Yorkie wasn't about to leave a Missouri rest stop without his master. Mistakenly left behind by an Arkansas truck driver, Rambo waited there for two days until his owner was able to track him down.
Rambo jumped out of Michael Siau's rig when Siau stopped at a rest area near Hannibal on Friday, the Hannibal Courier-Post reported.
"Didn't even cross my mind that he might jump out. He never has before," Siau said. "I jumped back in the truck, put it in gear and drove off. And I just thought he was in the back asleep."
Siau made it all the way to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 170 miles to the north, before he realized Rambo was gone. But he knew if he turned around, his schedule would be thrown off and his job jeopardized.
Siau was heartbroken. In October, Rambo's father, Ollie, who also accompanied Siau on trips, was run over and killed. Siau was so distraught he took six months off work, and the thought of losing another dog was too much to bear.
iau began calling authorities. By Sunday morning, he had learned Hannibal had jurisdiction over the rest area. Hannibal animal control officer Tim Ledbetter was sent to the site. Sure enough, little Rambo was there, sitting patiently.
But he might not have been there much longer. Ledbetter said a family that had stopped at the rest area was just about to adopt the apparently lost puppy.
"In about 60 seconds, he would have been gone," Ledbetter said.
Read More:http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/47723410/ns/today-good_news/
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