Bob Barker Banned From Price Is Right - Bob Barker, don't come on down! According to TV Guide, "The Price Is Right" will celebrate its 40th anniversary on Tuesday's episode without an appearance by its most famous host.
Barker, 88, will be seen via vintage clips, but was not invited to the taping. Although no one is publicly saying why, Barker admitted to the magazine that his relationship with the show has become strained due to his animal-rights advocacy.
"I don't know why I wasn't asked to take part in some way," Barker said. "But I do know I am ashamed of the show and surprised at their complete disregard for the welfare of animals."
Barker's most recent beef is with a trip the show gave away to Canada's Calgary Stampede chuckwagon races, recently associated with three horse deaths.
Although "The Price Is Right" was first hosted by the late Bill Cullen in 1956, Barker became its most public face when he fronted the 1972 reboot. He hosted until 2007, when he passed the baton to comedian Drew Carey, who still holds it.
Barker last appeared on the show in 2009 to promote his autobiography.
Tuesday's show will spotlight contestants from throughout its last 40 years.
"The Price Is Right" airs weekdays on CBS.