Royal baby birth incites anti-abortion conservatives Twitter, With Royal Baby madness in full effect, after reports that Kate Middleton has gone into labor, the conversation has blown up online and on Twitter where #RoyalBaby was trending.
Naturally, this joyous occasion was the perfect time to have a conversation about abortion.
So why are they talking about a #royalbaby and not a #royalfetus? Because we only call it a fetus when the mother wants to kill it — Aaron Worthing (@AaronWorthing) July 22, 2013
That awkward moment when the Royal Fetus becomes the #RoyalBaby. #AbortionLies #RoyalBabyWatch #EveryLifeMatters — Adam Brooks (@adam1bomb) July 22, 2013
Can't wait until the #RoyalFetus magically turns into a living, breathing human being!! Could be any minute now!! — David (@FreeAndBrave1) July 22, 2013
How come all the pro-abortion baby killers are calling it a "royal baby" and not a "royal fetus"? Enlighten me. — Kevin Kane (@kkane_3) July 22, 2013
Shouldn't liberals refer to the being within Kate Middleton's womb as the royal fetus, not the royal baby? — Elizabeth Gray Henry (@elizabethgray1) July 22, 2013
Somewhat confused about this #RoyalBaby hoopla. Isn't it still a Royal fetus? Or like a Royal mass of cells? Help me out here @BarackObama — Zac Smith (@zsmith001) July 22, 2013
Someday, a Royal Fetus will be aborted. And it will have been #ObamasFault, too. #p2 — Shoq Value (@Shoq) July 22, 2013