Ab-racadabra! Our focused firmers work like magic, engaging your hard-to-reach deepest layer of muscle. But that's not the only reason we heart them.
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"While you're firing the core muscles to stabilize your body, you're also moving your arms and legs through fluid movements, which helps sculpt those muscles, too, and increases the calorie burn," says Gavin MacMillan, founder and head trainer at Sport Science Lab in San Juan Capistrano, California, who designed this workout exclusively for SELF.
You'll need: A stability ball and a pair of 3- to 5-pound dumbbells. That's it!
The plan: Do as many reps as you can with good form to ensure that your core is properly engaged. Getting sloppy? Stop and move to another exercise in any order. Aim to knock out 15 to 20 reps, but if you can do only a few to start, that's OK. Keep at it! Repeat the plan three times a week, increasing the number of reps as you get stronger. Add 60 minutes of fat-melting cardio most days to reach navel nirvana in no time.
Helicopter Honer
Sit on ball, feet hip-width apart, a weight in each hand. Walk feet forward, leaning back so ball rolls under shoulders and head. Squeeze glutes, and lift hips toward ceiling; extend arms up, palms facing in, to start. Maintain hip lift as you circle right arm clockwise and left arm counterclockwise in a giant circle, crossing hands behind head (as shown) and ending with hands in start position. Repeat, switching directions for 1 rep. Continue, moving as quickly as you can. *Works: abs, obliques, shoulders, arms, back
Right Round, Baby
Start in push-up position, knees bent, shins resting on top of ball (as shown). Keeping knees together, rotate hips, rolling ball to left. Rotate back to center, then right, for one rep. Do reps. Then roll knees in a circular motion clockwise and counterclockwise. Do circle reps. *Works: abs, obliques, shoulders, arms, back, hips
The Swimmer
Sit on ball as far forward as you can, legs wider than hip-width apart, heels lifted, a weight in each hand. Engage abs and bend forward, extending arms at shoulder level, palms down, to start. Reach behind you, flipping palms up (as shown). Pulse arms up three times. Then roll ball back to straighten legs, press heels to floor and bend forward, reaching weights to ankles. Return to start for 1 rep. Do reps. *Works: abs, obliques, shoulders, arms, back
Windmill Whittler
Lie faceup. Place calves on ball and lift hips, forming a straight line from shoulders to knees. Drive left heel into ball and extend right leg toward ceiling, toes pointed. Engage abs and make a big circle with right leg (as shown) for 1 rep. Do reps. Switch legs; repeat. *Works: abs, obliques, hips, butt, legs
Hinge LiftHolding a weight in both hands, crouch and press right hip into ball, rounding right side over it; extend arms overhead. Reach left leg out to side in line with torso to start. Lift torso off ball (as shown). Return to start. Do reps. Switch sides; repeat. *Works: abs, obliques, shoulders, butt, inner and outer thighs
Source: Yahoo
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