
Voters to decide on circumcision

Voters to decide on circumcision
Voters to decide on circumcision. San Francisco voters to decide on circumcision. This November, San Francisco voters will have more to consider than which politicians they are electing. An initiative in the area received enough signatures to include the issue of male circumcision on the ballot for this year’s election in San Francisco. Now voters will decide if male circumcision should be banned in San Francisco.

Those who support the initiative are claiming that male circumcision is genital mutilation and that it is not right for a parent to make that decision for a child. But many opponents say that since many religions include the act of circumcision, passing this bill would limit Constitutionally-protected freedom of religion.

In Judaism, male circumcision is considered to be mandated by God. In many other religions it may not be mandated but it is customary. Voters in San Francisco will have to decide if outlawing the practice would control the religious practices of their neighbors.

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