
Megan Fox Fired From Transformers 3

Megan Fox Fired From Transformers 3
Megan Fox Fired From Transformers 3. A career bomb has just been dropped on one of Hollywood's bombshells.What are the chances that a baby born with the last name Fox would actually grow up to be one? She's absolutely gorgeous. Perfect eyebrows. Perfect body. Perfect hair. Perfect face. I'm not even a guy and I can see that she is totally hot. Unfortunately, her movie deals lately are not. Megan FoxMegan Fox claims to have quit from the Transforms franchise this week, but rumors are flying that she was fired. Could it be that Director, Michael BayMichael Bay, doesn't take kindly to being called Hitler or Napolean on the set by the screen's vixen? Apparently, he had less than glowing things to say about her as well, and I'm not talking about the orange tan she claimed to be required by him for the role.

Honestly, I don't understand why celebrities (and that includes directors) could possibly complain about anything when they're paid millions of dollars and idolized by millions of viewers. I mean, have you ever had to work with someone you didn't get along with? I'll bet you weren't even paid an obscene amount of money and yet you dug in and continued to try to make it work.

Megan Fox starred in "Jennifer's Body" which had terrible reviews and her upcoming feature this summer, "JohanJohan Hex", isn't faring any better. Being that she is often listed among the top sexiest celebrities alive, I'm sure she'll find another director who is willing to try to work with her.

And what about Shia LaBeouf? Wow, he is one talented actor. He seems to avoid most of the drama off screen, but recently he has made some statements about the 2nd Transformers movie that could put him on the chopping block as well. Or could they? He said he wasn't impressed with Transformers 2 because the heart was gone. Was he right? Should the director act on his insightful perspective or add him to the list of mouthy young stars he doesn't want to work with?

Source: allvoices

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