
Migraine Remedies

Migraine Remedies
Migraine Remedies. Suffering from migraine headaches is something nobody wants. The problem is that you don't choose to have migraine headaches - they choose you. Having the right information on migraine headaches can help you diagnose them yourself properly so you know what you're dealing with and you can figure out the right treatment for your migraines.

The pain from migraine headaches is what sets them apart from other types of headache. Your standard tension headache might seem like a big deal because of the discomfort it causes you. This discomfort seems like a friendly tickle when you compare it to the agony that migraines can cause.
The other thing with migraines is that the attack can last for hours and sometimes even days. The pain can be so intense that it can lead to violent vomiting spells which just makes the whole thing worse. Of course you can't forget the extreme sensitivity to light that means any kind of flashing light or even strong sunlight can drive you into absolute migraine agony.

How much pain does a migraine cause? If you can imagine your worst ever hangover and you can then multiply that by a factor of about 5. Hangovers tend to ease up a little every hour or so. Migraines can give you hour after hour of solid pain that just won't go away. You combine that with the tiredness and lack of co-ordination you have and you have a rough idea of how bad it can be.
Migraines also come in two basic types - unilateral and bilateral. A unilateral migraine is when you only feel it on one side of your head. A bilateral migraine is when the pain affects both sides of your head. Usually a unilately migraine will move from one side of the head to the other but that doesn't always happen. If you only ever get your migraines on one side of your head then it might be a good idea to get a second opinion from a doctor - just in case it's a warning sign for something else.

So what triggers a migraine attack. That's a tough one to answer - it all depends on the person you see. For some people it can be too much dairy product, caffeine or nicotine. For others it can be intense strobe lighting or lasers. Or intense stress. Or a combinatino of any of the migraine triggers we just listed there.

The symptoms of a migraine headache are equally weird. Some people will feel pains in their jaws first. Others will experience what's called migraine auras where they'll see shimmering lights or wavey patterns in front of their eyes or even a partial loss of sight in one or both of their eyes. Or a combination of any of those.

The toughest part of dealing with migraines is having it diagnosed in the first place. People often confuse migraines with other types of headaches and doctors can make the same mistake. What's worse is that sometimes people think that migraines are just figments of your imagination and that you're over-reacting to a normal headache.

This site was set up to help people understand migraines a bit more clearly and to help with spreading relevant and useful migraine headache information around the 'net. From one fellow migraine sufferer to another.

Source: migraineheadachereport

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