
Summer launch for the iPhone 5

Summer launch for the iPhone 5

Summer launch for the iPhone 5. What are the latest update for the Apple iPhone 5? Rumors of Summer Launch and White iPhone is still not confirmed as word from Apple remains a myth. The Apple iPad 2 started out as a rumor then it became a reality. So if you think about it, rumors about the iPhone 5 might also be true. For the past month there have been rumors circulating about the iPhone 5 and a summer launch. With the Apple iPad 2 already out, the ‘iPhone 5′ or whatever it will be called is the next big device that people are eagerly anticipating from Apple.

This might still be classified as ‘rumors’ for now but we all know that it is a known fact that Apple releases a refresh of its products yearly and they always stick to the same calendar year-in and year-out. If they stay on course then we are definitely headed for an iPhone refresh this coming June. All hints are pointing to this year’s WWDC. The date for the possible iPhone launch is this June 20. There are also rumors going around that Apple wants to tap a new market. Insiders are saying that there will be a cheap ‘iPhone 5′ coming but this is rumor is still hazy for now. I still can’t imagine Apple doing this but it would make perfect business sense for them. It wouldn’t also be bad for the tight-budget consumers either. Imagine an Apple branded phone for less, that would be a win-win for all.

The iPhone 5 is also being rumored to have the new Near Field Communications (NFC) technology, making contactless communication possible. MobileMe is also a set for a very major revamp and the release will most likely be simultaneous with the iPhone 5 or iPhone 5 models. Lastly, bloggers are saying that there will be a white iPhone 5 coming and it will have a simultaneous release with the black model, just like the iPad 2. We have never seen the white iPhone 4 so will Apple push through with this?

Source: 3anime

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