
Pattinson Twilight Birth Scene Hardcore

Pattinson Twilight Birth Scene Hardcore
Pattinson twilight birth scene hardcore. One of the most hotly-anticipated scenes in the first installment of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (aside from the sex scene between Edward and Bella) is the controversial birth scene of Renesmee! Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart both revealed inside details about what fans can expect — and get ready because it’s going to be graphic!

The final book in Stephenie Meyer‘s beloved Twilight Saga features Bella Swan(K-Stew) having a vampire baby fathered by husband Edward Cullen (R-Pattz).
In the book, the scene is definitely graphic, so how will it translate in the Bill Condon-directed film adaptation?


Just as graphic, if not more according to Rob.

“The birth scene is so different from everything else in the movie,” he said during Thursday’s panel at Comic-Con. “For a fantasy series it goes quite far. It’s hardcore, it’s graphic. There’s no other way to do it. It was fun.”

So how did he handle the chaos of filming?

“It was nice to play,” Rob shared. “He’s trying to help, but he doesn’t know what to do. He was totally annihilated by the whole thing.”

And Kristen echoed similar sentiments about the graphic nature of the birth, but had a blast being the one to do the “labor.”

“I thought it was so cool,” she told the audience at Comic-Con. “I think we did try to go as hardcore as we could. It’s not your typical birthing scene. It took two days to shoot.”

“Two day labor is really hard,” she quips to the amusement of director Bill. “In the book, as you all know, she’s literally choking on blood. It was always in my head that she’s able to fight harder than any human would really be able to, because it’s in her — literally.”

Read more: okmagazine

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