
Foreclosure in richest apartment building

Foreclosure in richest apartment building
Foreclosure in richest apartment building. Would you believe it that the richest apartment building faces foreclosure? A New York couple is facing foreclosure in one of the world’s richest apartment buildings. The couple reportedly stopped making payments on $16 million in loans tied to their apartment at 740 Park Avenue. In addition to that, famous celebrities is also facing foreclosure like R. Kelly and Burt Reynolds.
Yes, Burt Reynolds is also facing foreclosure.Correct me if I’m wrong, but celebrities usually make more money than the average human, right? I mean, chances are that if your name appears in the papers or on several entertainment sites, then your paycheck is bound to have a few extra zeroes on the end of it…yes? I just wanted to double check that I wasn’t crazy with this logic, but it seems like more and more celebrities are facing foreclosure with their houses. First R. Kelly with his mansion and now Burt Reynolds with his $1.2 million mortgage debt. I know the bad economy has certainly put a big dent in employment opportunities (and therefore our bank accounts), but I had no idea our Hollywood stars were feeling the effects so badly as well.

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