
Chocolate combats stroke?

Chocolate combats stroke?
Chocolate combats stroke? Chocolate good for reducing stroke risk. Grab some boxes of chocolates this Valentine's Day, as research show that chocolates help cut down chances of stroke. But do not go overboard in having the dark temptation, say the study authors.

According to a new analysis, which is based on three prior studies, states that consuming a bar of chocolate every week helps cut down the risk of stroke. But neurologist Gustavo Saposnik at St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto states that more needs to be found out to confirm reports and the evidence was still limited. chocolate stroke risk, chocolate stroke risk, chocolate heart health, dark chocolate, antioxidant rich foods,

Saposnik says, "This is something that requires further investigation."

For conducting a study they studied around 44,489 people who had one serving of chocolate every week were 22 per cent less likely to experience a stroke as compared to people who did not eat chocolate.

Saposnik however stated that what kind of chocolate, white, dark or milk, made the difference, needed to be found out.

Italo Mocchetti, a professor in the Department of Neuroscience at Georgetown University Medical Center who has studied flavonoids, which is found in cocoa, says that this chemical is linked to anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.


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