
Clint Eastwood + seven children + five women

Clint Eastwood + seven children + five women, Clint Eastwood is one of the most famous figures in the movie world and it seems like a lot of people are looking forward to see what he has left in his movie career. What people might not know about him is that he actually has seven children and they all have 5 different mothers.

Though some people might be shocked by this, isn’t this what Hollywood is all about these days? Too many times people tend to judge a celebrity by their actions and there are normal people who do exactly the same thing. People tend forget that these celebrities are also people and they simply just have more money and opportunities to mess up and do these types of things.

What do you think? Do you believe that people should be more lenient on celebs? or should people be more strict because they are our idols? Is it really fair for the celebrities?


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