
Puppy swallows flag pole

Puppy swallows flag pole

Puppy swallows flag pole. Barking glad: Puppy swallows metal pole... but after 90-minute surgery he's wagging his tail again.
Dogs are always putting things in their mouths, whether it's tugging on a slipper or carrying around a newspaper.

But to pick up a 15in metal garden flag post and then swallow it takes some doing.

Blue, an eight-week-old grey pit bull who lives with his owners in Mobile, Alabama, managed to do just that.

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It was late in the evening when the owners, who did not want to be identified, found out.

After several unsuccessful attempts to pull the black post out of Blue's mouth they rushed him to Rehm Animal Clinic.

The clinic, fortunately, takes cases until midnight.

Dr Chris Rehm said: 'Blue was gasping. He was agitated ... he couldn't breathe.'

Dr. Caroline Rehm added: 'The owners were terrified. Blue was going to die, but the owner wanted us to try and save him.'

She said the surgery took about 90 minutes, and at one point she thought the dog was not going to make it.

They had to use bolt cutters to break off a crossbar from the shaft, which had prevented Blue from completely ingesting the post, fox10tv.com reports.

Dr Chris Rehm said: 'Had he swallowed it, he would have died.

'What's really important is that the owners got Blue in here quickly.'

Being young and strong, the 15 pound pup tolerated the surgery better than most dogs would, Mr Rehm added.

Now Blue's on antibiotics and regaining his strength.

Mr Rehm said: 'He's already eating again, and matter of fact, I bet he's ready to swallow something else.'

dog swallows flag pole, pit bull flag pole, garden flag pole, dog swallows pole and surgery,

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