
Pamela Root Southwest Airlines apologized $300 travel voucher

Toddler Tantrum Southwest Airlines San Jose, Loud Toddler Kicked Off Southwest Airlines Flight. Striking fear into the hearts of parents nationwide, Southwest Airlines booted a San Jose mom and her 2-year-old son from a flight earlier this week because the toddler was acting up.

Hey. Maybe he was just pissed they no longer serve free snacks!
Southwest apologized to the family, sort of, but said they did not regret their decision because passengers could not hear the pre-flight safety announcements (to which no one listens anyway) over the kid’s screams.
“We have to abide by FAA policies and be able to deliver safety announcements,” the spokeswoman said, adding that the crew tried to soothe the child. “Our flight attendants gave the child juice and coloring books, and we’re sorry she was inconvenienced.”

The mom, Pamela Root, accepted the apology and admits her son was pretty hysterical, annoying most of the passengers waiting on the runway for takeoff. The thing that really sucks, though: As a result of getting kicked off, they were stuck in Amarillo, Texas for 30 hours, without her son’s car seat or luggage that had been checked on the first flight. Yeah, that sounds like fun.
Root will, however, receive a refund for the flight and a $300 travel voucher to cover her expenses — as well as carte blanche to guilt-trip her son for all of eternity.
“Would you please take out the trash? I mean, it’s THE LEAST YOU CAN DO FOR GETTING US KICKED OFF THAT DAMN FLIGHT TEN YEARS AGO!”
“Um, this bedpan isn’t going to change itself, TEMPER TANTRUM BOY!”


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