
Failed Presidential Bids

Failed Presidential Bids

Failed Presidential Candidates

Failed Presidential Bids, Failed Presidential Bids, Michele Bachmann: Done. John Huntsman: Done. Rick Perry: Done. While the reasons for their premature exits may still be unclear – doggy sunglasses? Too many “oops” moments? – some previous candidates’ presidential campaigns went off the rails at precise moments. Let’s take a look back.

Herman Cain Ginger White, Campaign: 2012, The former pizza chain (Godfather's Pizza) CEO’s White House run included an awkward foreign policy gaffe, an economic plan reminiscent of a pizza deal and harassment allegations. herman cain harassment
Herman Cain Libya

John Edwards Affair, Campaign: 2008, The former U.S. senator (North Carolina, United States) – whose wife was battling cancer – was in the middle of his second presidential campaign when he pulled out of the race amid poor primary showings and swirling rumors. John Wdwards 2004 campaign
Howard Dean Scream, Campaign: 2004, The six-term governor (Vermont, United States) lost three early primaries, but a bout of the flu and a microphone helped end his presidential hopes. Howard Dean Won Vermont Primary 2004
Al Gore Invented The Internet, Campaign: 2000, The former vice president battled it out with eventual winner George W. Bush in a heated campaign that involved “hanging chads,” the state of Florida and an unusual outcome. 2000 presidential election florida, bush v gore supreme court case
Ross Perot Daughter's Wedding Allegations, Campaign: 1992, The Texas billionaire and independent candidate at one time led the race before dropping out nexpectedly. 1992 presidential candidates, Ross Perot Re-Entered Race
Gary Hart Donna Rice, Campaign: 1988, The former U.S. senator was making a second run for the White House when he dared reporters to dig up proof of extramarital affairs. Gary Hart "Follow Me Around
Michael Dukakis Tank Ride, Campaign: 1988, The former governor committed his fatal campaign faux pas after accusations that he was too liberal and soft on crime. michael dukakis + pledge of allegiance,
Watch the infamous attack ad

Gerald Ford Granted Pardon To Richard Nixon, Campaign: 1976, The Republican president committed a huge debate gaffe during the campaign, but it was something he did while in office that cost him the election. Gerald Ford Appointed Under 25th Amendment, Gerald Ford Free Poland,
Barry Goldwater Daisy Ad, Campaign: 1964, The former U.S. senator often credited as the father of the modern American conservative movement – lost to an incumbent president. American Conservative Movement, Barry Goldwater 52 electoral votes,

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