
Super Bowl Commercial Clint Eastwood

Super Bowl Commercial Clint Eastwood, Clint Eastwood's Super Bowl Commercial: Chrysler Spot A Surprise From Anti-Bailout Star (VIDEO) Clint Eastwood is known for his libertarian views and support of the Republican party, so it was a surprise to see him narrate a Super Bowl ad holding up the revival of Chrysler and other Detroit auto makers as a model for a new American resurgence.
As recently as last year, Eastwood was criticizing President Obama's 2009 bailout of the auto industry, which set the stage for Chrysler's resurgence.
"I'm a big hawk on cutting the deficit," Eastwood told the Los Angeles Times in November. "I was against the stimulus thing too. We shouldn't be bailing out the banks and car companies. If a CEO can't figure out how to make his company profitable, then he shouldn't be the CEO."

In the commercial, called "It's Half Time in America," Eastwood points out that Americans are hurting, then adds: "The people of Detroit know something about this. They almost lost everything. But we all pulled together. Now Motor City is fighting again."

Commentators on both sides of the political divide were taken aback by Eastwood's apparent reversal.

"Agh. WTH? Did I just see Clint Eastwood fronting an auto bailout ad???" Michelle Malkin, the conservative columnist, tweeted during the game. Greg Mitchell, blogger for the liberal paper The Nation, also weighed in, tweeting, "Republican Clint Eastwood claims 'we all pulled together' to save Detroit--wrong, your party did not, big guy."


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