
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Peeps Dioramas

Peeps Dioramas
Peeps Dioramas, Peeps, the ubiquitous marshmallow treats that are as much a part of Easter celebrations as eggs and bunnies, tend to bring out the creative side of Peeps enthusiasts around the world. Check out these amazing dioramas from across the country. Plus, try Peeps trivia to see just how much you know about the quintessential Easter treats.

Bikram yoga Peeps
For the uninitiated, Bikram yoga hot yoga can be a challenge because of the addition of high temperatures in the room where yoga is practiced Bikram yoga 95-100 degrees. These Peeps are pooped in their Bikram yoga class. Peeps yook 27 hours to make
Vincent Van Gogh Peep
This Peep gets artistic re-creating Vincent Van Gogh's iconic painting "Starry Night." Notice the Peep is missing an ear, just like Van Gogh. How did the artist lose his? vincent van gogh severed his ear, takes 6 minutes to make one peeps, museum of modern art
Summer Olympics Peeps
Peeps get athletic in the 2012 Olym"Peep"iad, with several countries represented for the upcoming Olympics in London. Which famous British actor will open the games?
2012 summer olympics opening ceremony Daniel Craig, peeps eyes made of wax
'Survivor' Peeps
They may be on the physically challenging reality show "Survivor," but they are still round as ever in this diorama. Easter Island is remotely located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. peeps wings were clipped in the 1950s
'Linsanity' Peeps
Who knew Peeps loved the NBA, too? They get into "Linsanity" at Madison Square Garden, the home of the New York Knicks, even with uber fan, Spike Lee. Peeps outside colored sugar