Saying Don't Mess With Texas, Texas saying don't mess with Texas: When it comes to where to put a fight, I agree with the old saying, "Don't mess with Texas." The phrase Don’t Mess with Texas is a trademark of the Texas Department of Transportation, which began as part of a statewide advertising campaign started in 1986.
The intention behind the Don't Mess with Texas campaign was to reduce littering on Texas roadways and has garnered statewide attention.
The phrase "Don't Mess with Texas" was prominently shown on road signs on major highways, television, radio and in print advertisements.
The campaign is credited with reducing litter on Texas highways roughly 72% between 1986 and 1990.
The campaign's target market was 18-35 year old males, which was statistically shown to be the most likely to litter. While the slogan was originally not intended to become a statewide cultural icon, it did.
Beyond its immediate role in reducing litter, the slogan became a Texas cultural phenomenon and the slogan has been popularly appropriated by Texans.
Though the origin of the slogan is not well known outside of Texas, it appears on countless items of tourist souvenirs, the phrase is actually a federally registered trademark; the department has tried at times to enforce its trademark rights with cease and desist letters, but has had very limited success.
The phrase "Don't Mess with Texas" is a frequently cited example of pride in Texas culture.
"Don’t Mess with Texas" has been awarded a plaque on the Madison Avenue Walk of Fame and a place in the Advertising Hall of Fame, a distinction given to only two slogans annually.
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