Tax Deadline Canada 2012, This year, tax deadline in Canada is April 30,2012. There are a number of tax deadline dates during the year 2012 when returns are due to be filed or payments are due to be paid as follows.
A 6 per cent increased risk of dying on tax day occurs on Canada’s tax deadline day.
That’s ample time to tally your expenditures and yet each year thousands presumably leave it until the last moment.
A US study has revealed that the country’s mid-April tax deadline day is associated with an elevated risk of fatal crashes.
The study, published in this week’s issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, used tax day road fatalities as a marker for what high stress can do to driver behaviour on any day of the year, anywhere in the world.
The increase in risk on tax day included the passengers and pedestrians, which is a common theme of all of road trauma — bad driving imposes risks on other people.
The study was not able to look at traffic deaths in Canada on April 30 because of a lack of good data, but he said high stress leads to distracted drivers in this country as well.
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