Johnny DeppEdward Scissorhands Family Guy – Before he was Captain Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp was famous for playing another left of center character that audiences loved – Edward Scissorhands. Depp’s portrayal of the title character in Tim Burton’s 1990 film still ranks as a favorite amongst fans – and now there’s news that the actor is set to return to the role that helped make him famous.
Don’t get too excited, though. Depp won’t be donning his razor-sharp mitts for a reboot or a sequel to the cult classic, but will instead be reprising the role on an episode of Fox’s animated series Family Guy. Depp is set to bring Edward back to life in one of the series’ infamous cutaway gag segments.
Getting back into a character he hadn’t played in over two decades was reportedly challenging for the actor – at first – but he soon found his rhythm according to executive producer Mark Hentemann.
“When he was in the booth, he said that he felt like he hadn’t done that voice since he did it in front of the camera. He was able to snap right back into Edward Scissorhands once we pulled up a clip from the movie.”
Hentemann goes on to add that “he was amazing — and demonstrated extraordinary patience with all the fawning women in our office who swarmed him.” Ah Johnny Depp…what a trooper.
No word yet on when this episode will air, but Family Guy returns to the airwaves for its 11th season on September 30th.