Katrina Darling Not Interested Meeting Kate Middleton - ou all know Katrina Darling by now, the Duchess of Cambridge‘s second cousin once removed (Darling’s grandmother is the sister of Catherine’s great-grandfather). The burlesque dancer, who brought her act stateside, spoke to RumorFix about the royal connection and what she thinks of Prince Harry.
Darling found out just before the royal wedding that she and Catherine were related, but neither party has made an effort to connect. The 21-year-old thinks it would be “awkward to meet Kate. I’m not sure what I would say in that sort of situation. But I’m sure we would find something to laugh about in it all. It would be nice to meet her, but I’m not actually going to pursue it.”
Despite her saucy numbers, Darling makes it clear that she’s only a burlesque dancer and nothing more. “I’ve been called God knows what in God knows how many languages,” she told the site. ”I try not to take the negative attention as a personal attack, I try not to pay attention. I try not try read the press too much, so I don’t know what they’re saying about me.”
Well, goodness know if this next bit is true, but UK tabloid mag Now claims that Darling is muddling an offer from Playboy (a report her agent denies). ”Katrina’s
enjoyed some success in the US following her burlesque performances and now she’s attracted the attention of Playboy,” a source said. ”She hasn’t agreed to do it yet, but it’d be hugely embarrassing for Kate.”
I don’t think it would be “hugely embarressing” for Kate given that the two gals don’t know each other.
Unlike many girls who dream of being Mrs. Harry Wales (oh yes, and a princess), Darling is spoken for. “I have a boyfriend. We have known each other for years, so it’s a quite a recent thing, nothing I’m going to splash out there. But he is a really sweet guy and I’m very in love with him, I’m very happy!”
So, you’re not chasing after the blue bloods? “I’m sure Prince Harry is an adorable guy, but I am a taken woman and Eton College men are not my cup of tea — too prestigious. I like my men rough around the edges!”