
Woman Places Soul For Sale On eBay

woman places soul for sale on ebay

Woman Places Soul For Sale On eBay - Woman Sells Soul eBay, A car crash victim who broke her leg, hip and pelvis in a horrific smash is putting her 'slightly used' human soul up for grabs on eBay for $2,000.

Lori N, from Albuquerque, New Mexico, also suffered a collapsed lung, a stroke and lost one of her breasts when in 2007 the car she was a passenger in was hit by a drunk driver.

The freelance writer said she now finds it difficult to put pen to paper, and so figured that if her body wasn't going to earn her any money, then she should market her soul.

She said: 'I guess you could say [it's a cry for help]. I'm at the point now, I'm tired. I don't feel good. I'm near the end of my rope. I really am.'

'What I'm going to deliver is the opportunity for someone to save my soul. They can save it through prayer, they can save it through conversion.

'They're also going to get a certificate detailing the white and black marks on my soul.'

She said this was a spiritual kind of history, like the ones detailing services you get when buying a new vehicle.

Despite not receiving any bids for her opening offer, she said she felt encouraged by the number of hits the internet auction site posting had received. woman places soul for sale on ebay

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2169194/Car-crash-victim-sells-slightly-used-soul-eBay-2-000-complete-broken-pelvis-hip-leg.html#ixzz1zlZuxwX1

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