
Big Brother Death Threats

Big Brother Death Threats
Big Brother Death Threats. Family of "Big Brother" contestant receives death threats. The family of a reality television show contestant has been receiving death threats, and the FBI could be get involved.

According to a report from TMZ, numerous phone calls have been made to the family of “Big Brother” contestant Shelly Moore after she voted to evict fan favorite Jeff Shroeder out of the house.

Moore, who was part of an alliance with Shroeder and Jordan Lloyd during 13th season of the popular reality series, shocked viewers Thursday night when she went against the team.

Moore was the deciding vote on whether Shroeder would stay or leave the “Big Brother” house.

Since the eviction episode, people have been threatening violent acts against Moore’s husband and eight-year-old daughter named Josie.

TMZ also reported that Moore’s employer has also been receiving harassing phone calls, demanding that the company fire the 41-year-old industrial executive from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

While Moore said she was aware that some viewers would be upset over her decision to evict Shroeder, she said she didn’t have any regrets and claimed she would not have a chance to win if she went against Shroeder and Lloyd in the end.

“Everyone loves you guys,” she had said to Lloyd on the show. “I have no chance of winning against you two.”

Allison Grodner, who is the show’s executive producer, took to her Twitter page to help defuse the situation with viewers.

"No matter how much you dislike an (house guest), this is wrong! True BB fans do not try to ruin lives. Please stop!"

The family says they are expecting to get the FBI involved since they are taking the threats seriously.

“Big Brother,” which houses a group of people who are isolated from the outside world, and their every move is recorded by cameras and microphones as they compete for a cash prize while avoiding being evicted from the house each week, airs on CBS three times a week.

Different versions of they show can be seen in other countries such as Brazil, Germany, Argentina, United Kingdom, Spain and Italy.

Source: allheadlinenews


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