Man hospitalized after 'naked rampage'?
on Friday, November 11, 2011
Man hospitalized after 'naked rampage'? Indian 'spice king' 'went on drunken naked rampage through Four Seasons in New York'
Millionaire 'Spice Man' Dhiraj Arora was seen running both naked and drunk through the New York Four Seasons Hotel in September before being carted away to a nearby psychiatric hospital, according to police.
After knocking down tequila the morning of September 23rd, police responding to the five-star hotel say he pranced through the workout facility in the nude yelling at officers to 'suck my million-dollar c--k!' according to the New York Post.
In a correction, Mr Arora claimed later that it was, 'suck my $57 million d--k,' however he adds that he never was drunk to begin with, at least in the fitness center.
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Reports by guests who called the police, described him as dashing back up to his 15th-floor room to hide, when officers were called.
Mr Arora reportedly holed himself up behind his locked hotel door when officers approached.
Knocking, they say he did crack it open in acknowledgement, however left the latch on to cry 'peek-a-boo!' at the officers standing outside before slamming it back shut.
'If you don’t open the door, we’re going to bust it down!' Mr Arora recounted the police's reaction to the Post.
Hotel staff cut the lock off the door to retrieve Mr Arora and take him to St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital where he spent the following two hours.
'I was in my underwear with the music playing, ready to rock, and the next thing I know I’m being escorted out by two female police officers. One had a gun pointed at me,' Mr Arora said.
'I don’t run around places naked, and I sure as hell was not running around naked at the Four Seasons hotel,' he defended.
The only time he admits that he was naked, however, was when he was in the steam room of the fitness center.
He caught himself, according to the Post, before accusing the hotel staff, guests and police, of racial profiling.
'All I can tell you is there must have been some guests at the hotel who must have been uncomfortable with my North Indian heritage,' Mr Arora said.
'The way I carry myself, the way I roll. I don’t cut my hair. I don’t shave every day,' Mr Arora explained his rational.
The five-star hotel which boasts 683 staff members according to their website, was unable to be reached for comment however advertised their culturally diverse staff online as being able to accommodate 30 different languages 'ranging from Afrikaans to Vietnamese.'
The former University of Michigan in Ann Arbor student and now Brooklyn resident, according to his Arora Creations' website, got his cooking inspiration from his mother's North Indian background, developing it into a multimillion dollar company stocking shelves from Whole Foods to Publix supermarkets.
'I knew I had a gift for enlightening and engaging people from all walks of life,' Mr Arora wrote on his website, 'and thought I could use my natural drive, passion, and energy to expose the wonderful world of Indian cuisine to as many individuals as possible.'
Hard work possibly taking a toll that September, the CEO and founding president of Arora Creations described his typical work schedule in a 2007 interview with Crains New York Business as 90 hours a week and travel up to 20 days out of the month. millionaire naked four seasons, Dhiraj Arora four seasons, Dhiraj Arora naked just the steam room,
'I’m making money because I’m young and energetic, and because I’m breaking my back,' he told Crains New York Business.
Rooms at the luxury hotel between Park Avenue and Madison start at around $795.
Their Ty Warner Penthouse featured at $35,000 per night, their website boasts, is the 'most expensive hotel accommodation in the world.'
Charges were not filed against Mr Arora.
Watch more on the 'Spice Man' here:
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