
Anthony Federico Fired For Writing Racist Headline

Anthony Federico Fired For Writing Racist Headline, Anthony Federico, the ESPN editor was fired for writing the racist headline 'Chink in the Aromor'. Anthony has apologized for his headline Chink in the Armor which he said about Jeremy.

The ESPN editor, Anthony Federico, 28, said that he is a faithful and outspoken Christian and this was an honest mistake.

He said he has used this phrase 1000 times in headlines over the years but he never thought about it when he slapped it on the Lin Jeremy story.

Anthony said he meant no disrespect and was devastated once it dawned on him what he had done.

Jeremy told Sunday that ESPN apologized to him and that he doesn’t care anymore that it happened.

ESPN apologized for the offensive and inappropriate comments. Now, the headline is a different matter. As anyone who has worked in digital media knows, the headline is what draws attention and hits.

Editors and writers try to maximize visitors and shock value with their headlines.

ESPN has also released a full independent examination and analysis of the incident, via the Poynter Review Project.

Poynter ultimately found that Federico's mistake was a lapse in judgment by an editor working without a net, and his punishment was entirely warranted; but they found that the 30-day suspension for anchor Max Bretos, who used the phrase on air, was too harsh.

They found that there was no sign he was trying to be snarky or clever, but rather that Bretos was speaking off-the-cuff with no chance to review his or her words. Flubs and slips of the tongue are a hazard of the trade.

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