Jessica Dorrell And Trooper Details, The Jessica Dorrell Arkansas case took a new turn last night as the trooper detailed the Bobby Petrino wreck further and telephone call from Bobby Petrino’s wife. Jessica Dorrell, the former Arkansas volleyball player turned Razorbacks fundraiser, has yet to comment to news about the latest developments. Now Captain Lance King of the Arkansas State Police has further detailed to news what happened after the Petrino and Dorrell wreck of Sunday April 1, 2012.
For the last two seasons, Captain King has provided pre-game and game-day security for Bobby Petrino. Despite erroneous initial news reports, ASP and King do not provide “permanent security detail” to Petrino at anytime, ASP said in its news statement Monday.
King’s supervisors told news Monday that at no time was King under investigation by his department. Rather, because of the public’s request for details, King’s supervisors sought a more detailed narrative by King. “The document was prepared as a means to be responsive to questions raised by representatives of the public”, not as part of an investigation, ASP told news. ASP also further clarified to news that “Captain King did not violate any State Police policy or state laws.”
King told his supervisor Major Les Braunns in a written statement issued to news last night that his involvement with the wreck did not begin because of Petrino nor Dorrell, but because of a call from his from a Sergeant. King received a cell phone call from Troop L Sergeant Gabe Weaver who told him that there had been an accident on Arkansas State Highway 16 in Madison County in the community of Crosses.
Weaver told King that the driver had left the scene by the time that Weaver had obtained his details. But Weaver called King after a run of the bike’s license plate came back as being owned by Petrino. “Sergeant Weaver said that Troop L Dispatch took the license number of the motorcycle from a witness and ran an ownership check on this license which returned to Arkansas Football Coach Bobby Petrino.”
King called Petrino and left a voice mail. This message to Petrino said “I don’t even know if this is your number anymore, but your motorcycle has been involved in an accident and I wanted to call and check on you.” Roughly three minutes later, an “unidentified female” called King back.
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