
John Travolta And Gay Lover Tell-All Book

John Travolta

John Travolta And Gay Lover Tell-All Book - The latest bombshell in the John Travolta sex scandal is that the pilot he had a six-year gay affair with is negotiating to reveal all the juicy details in an explosive tell-all book.

Doug Gotterba was John's pilot in the 1980s, and according to his former secretary and Doug's ex-boyfriend, the two were lovers, the National Enquirer reported last week.

The Enquirer didn't get a comment from Doug, only confirmation that he worked for John, but now the publication reports Doug already has two writers lined up to help him tell his story!

The Enquirer reports Doug confirmed his desire to write the tell-all book.

"It could be a marriage-ender," an insider told the Enquirer, expressing that the book could not only be career-crushing, but devastating to John's wife, Kelly Preston.

"Even though she wasn't married to John at the time, she's already been terribly humiliated by this ugly scandal that doesn't seem to end. A book by a man who John carried on with for multiple years would simply be too much."

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