
Is Oprah wooing Pippa Middleton for OWN show?

Is Oprah wooing Pippa Middleton for OWN show?
Is Oprah wooing Pippa Middleton for OWN show? Ever since the Royal Wedding, Pippa Middleton has become a fixture in the British and international media, and interest in her is so great that she may even get her own reality show: on Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network.

The National Enquirer claims to have it on good authority that Pippa is being courted by at least two major figures in US television, Oprah and Barbara Walters, with the end of having her on her own show.

According to the tab, the two are secretly “duking it out,” each trying to outdo the other and land the hottest royal commodity right now, Pippa.

The fact that she’s young, gorgeous and, as of late, a member of the Royal Family means that she will undoubtedly be a hit with American audiences, the report goes on to say.

As such, cutthroat negotiations are currently taking place, with both talk show hosts doing their best to get Pippa on their side.

“Years ago, when Kate broke up with Prince William briefly, Barbara tried to hire her as a View co-host – but now she thinks Pippa’s so sassy, young and gorgeous, she’d be a fantastic fit. Ratings would be amazing!” an insider claiming to be familiar with the situation says for the tab.

However, adds the spy, whereas Walters is offering Pippa a spot on The View, Oprah is doubling the offer, by telling her she could get her own show on her recently released network.

“She wants Pippa to host her own show for her OWN network,” the insider explains.

“O[prah] knows it would be a great ratings coup because Pippa’s a star on fire – and Americans are so obsessed with the royals!” the spy adds.

Pippa has not decided anything just yet, but reports online suggest that she’s thinking it through because she realizes now is the best time to make a decision about a career.

In fact, Pippa has already understood that she must make the most of her newfound fame – and has even hired a PR firm to help her cope with it.

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