
Jennifer Aniston gets 'Decade of Hotness' award

Jennifer Aniston gets 'Decade of Hotness' award
Jennifer Aniston gets 'Decade of Hotness' award. It should be crystal clear by now, to anyone who is even halfway paying attention, that there is simply no end to the awards you can win if you are a celebrity.

But despite their plethora, every single one of these awards is hard won, deserved and significant.
All of which leads us to the award we all crave and some of us deserve but not as much as Jennifer Aniston, who has just nabbed it.

In suitably breathless tones, People.com reports that La Aniston is the latest recipient of the Decade of Hotness award from Spike TV as part of the network's Guys Choice annual celebrations.

Just to be clear, the Decade of Hotness award is reserved for a woman who, over a ten-year span, remains so consistently sizzling for the period that Spike TV has no alternative but to honor said woman for her scorching visage and body parts.

"Decade of Hotness is Guys Choice's ultimate term of endearment for a woman that we just can't get enough of," is the way Spike TV executive vice-president Casey Patterson put it, according to People.

Aniston will accept the award in the flesh during the show, which airs June 10. Be sure to wear your sunglasses.

Canned at Cannes

Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier was booted out of the Cannes Film Festival on Thursday for a bizarre, rambling news conference in which, among other injudicious utterances, he said he sympathizes with Adolf Hitler.

The comments had ignited shock from the moment they poured out of the director's yap, causing Kirsten Dunst, an actress in his film "Melancholia," to lean over and whisper to von Trier, "Oh my God, this is terrible."

Festival President Gilles Jacob said von Trier had been banned from the rest of this year's festival, although he would not elaborate if the filmmaker might be allowed back in the future.

Von Trier's current film "Melancholia" remains in competition for all Cannes prizes -- including the top Palme d'Or award -- but if it wins any he will not be allowed to attend Sunday's closing ceremony.

At a news conference for the film Wednesday, von Trier spoke about his German heritage, and in a rambling speech said he understood and sympathized with Hitler. The director said afterward he had been joking and later issued an apology.

Thierry Fremaux, the general director at Cannes, said von Trier told festival officials that he "accepts the punishment."

Still, von Trier, unable to shut his mouth, told the Hollywood Reporter that he was "a little proud of being named a persona non grata."

Sully on CBS

You remember Sully Sullenberger, right? He's the stoic superman who, with nerves of steel, brought US Airways Flight 1549 down into the Hudson River for an emergency landing in 2009, saving all 155 people aboard and barely cracking a grin.

CBS News named him as its Aviation and Safety Expert Thursday.

In his new role, Sullenberger will electrify millions providing analysis of aviation safety while remaining calm and cool but smoldering within. He'll be a contributor to CBS News broadcasts as well as its other media platforms.

CBS News president David Rhodes said, "Sully is a genuine hero," which seems rather obvious even for a news president to say.

Logging 20,000 hours of flight service, Sullenberger retired from US Airways in March 2010.

Perez sues

The Celebrity Lawsuit of the Day (we have to pick just one) involves an actress who might win a Decade of Hotness award someday if she's lucky.

Rosie Perez is suing the producers of television's "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," alleging she was injured during the filming of a 2009 episode in New York City.

Perez says in the lawsuit that she was "recklessly pulled, grabbed, yanked, wrenched and/or manhandled" during filming of the "Hardwired" episode on Sept. 9, 2009.

Her attorney tells the New York Daily News that his client is suffering severe pain, has numbness in her arms and has been out of work for about a year.

Idol eliminated

It was down to three contestants on Thursday's installment of "American Idol," the singing contest watched by millions.

Who would be voted off? We postponed our dinner to find out; that's how much we cared.

A lot of others cared too. Ryan Seacrest, host of the show, announced that more than 95 million votes were cast by viewers after Wednesday night's episode, a record for a non-finale "Idol."

Haley Reinhart, omg, was voted off, leaving Scotty McCreery and Lauren Alaina to duke it out in the finals Tuesday in what Register writer Peter Larsen dubs the Country Kid Showdown.

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