
Baldwin and Malkin

Baldwin and Malkin 
 Baldwin and Malkin, Alec Baldwin’s Twitter War With Michelle Malkin: ‘Davis Is Dead Does That Make You Happier?’, Last night was a raw one on twitter for those following the Troy Davis case, not least of all for Alec Baldwin, who holds court over a notoriously prolific account, and had spent much of the early evening spewing tweets about the execution. His busy, and at times opinionated, stream eventually caught the attention of conservative blogger Michelle Malkin, who had been keeping tabs on the case herself. Things devolved quickly from there.
Not exactly a fan, Malkin taunted the “Hollyweirdo,” wondering when he would tweet “I am Troy Davis” in solidarity with a man she believes to be guilty.

Baldwin didn’t take kindly to her mocking, and engaged her, first asking if Davis’s death will “make you happier,” to which she relied simply with the hashtag: #RIPMARKMACPHAIL. Lines were drawn:
This is when things devolved into a nasty battle, fought mostly by their large armies of twitter followers. Baldwin called upon his fans to “go all town hall on” Malkin, and to tweet at her asking if she feels safer with Davis dead:
Baldwin’s nearly 375,000 followers heeded his call, sending a lot of nasty tweets in Malkin’s direction. Poised for “Attaaaaaack Waaaaaaaaaaatch!”, Malkin re-tweeted many in defense, or “for the public record,” or maybe for the attention.

It’s a shame that things had to devolve to name calling, racial slurs, anonymous threats, and ad hominem attacks on a night that needed no more victims. #RIPTroyDavis #RIPMarkMacphail

h/t The Right Scoop

Source: mediaite

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