After Winning More Than $11,000 On The Hit TV Show Wheel Of Fortune, A Local Man Has Transformed His Experience Into Good Cause By Raising Almost, After winning more than $11,000 on the hit TV show “Wheel of Fortune,” a local man, Gilford resident Jesse Thompson has transformed his experience into good cause by raising almost $2,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Thompso said that it was a great experience and somewhat surreal, and with the Make-A-Wish Foundation we were able to do something positive at the end.
Thompson came up with the idea of raising fund, with the proceeds going toward the Make-A-Wish Foundation as before the day of the show as Jesse appeared on the game show on Thursday, Jan. 5.
people paid more than Thompson asked for $25 from each person.
In result he had raised more than $1,800 and decided to add $1,000 of his own money into the mix, topping out the total at $2,835.
Thompson started off by winning the first two Tossup puzzles with the landmark Golden Gate Park and person “A Snappy Dresser and took the third Tossup puzzle with Swing Dancing, but in the final round, he was unable to get enough cash to advance to the bonus round.
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