
Michael Moore And Gun Control

Michael Moore And Gun Control - On Tuesday, filmmaker and director Michael Moore returned to "Piers Morgan Tonight," bringing along his trademark blend of social commentary, and candid insight.

Joining the program primarily to discuss gun control on the heels of last week's deadly incident in Aurora, CO, the Academy Award winner related the movie theater shooting to the ongoing Trayvon Martin case.

Addressing the "irony" of George Zimmerman quoting Florida's "stand your ground" law in the Martin case, Moore surmised "You could equally argue that Trayvon Martin may well have been doing the same thing."

"Let's say George Zimmerman's right when he says that Trayvon Martin was trying to kill him," suggested Tuesday's guest. "But it was George Zimmerman who was told by the police to quit stalking this boy. And - and he was the one who was committing the infraction against the law by disobeying the police and going after Trayvon Martin. Doesn't Trayvon Martin actually have the right to kill George Zimmerman if George Zimmerman is stalking him and - and the police have told him not to stalk him?"

A decade since "Bowling for Columbine" – his groundbreaking 2002 documentary film exploring the causes for the massacre at Columbine High School – Moore also addressed recent remarks by actor and hip-hop artist Ice-T.

Being interviewed by U.K.'s Channel 4 just hours after the movie massacre in Colorado, Odafin "Fin" Tutuola of NBC's "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" said he sees no potential link between stronger gun legislation, and a reduction in gun deaths:

"Nah. Not really really. You know what I'm saying, if somebody wants to kill people, you know, they don't need a gun to do it."

Moore had a different perspective:

"That part that Ice-T said about that reducing them wouldn't reduce it. That's been proven," he told Piers Morgan. "If you reduce the guns and the ammo, you'll reduce the murders."

As the 54-year-old musicians went on to add, "You can strap explosives on your body, they do that all the time," Moore insisted that was another issue entirely:

"Somebody strapping a bomb on themselves, that's a whole different animal that we have to deal with in these times."

Watch the clips, and listen to the interviews, as "Piers Morgan Tonight" landed a rare interview with one of America's most outspoken and influential voices.


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