
Hulk rumors untrue according to Joss Whedon and Mark Ruffalo

Hulk rumors untrue according to Joss Whedon and Mark Ruffalo
Hulk rumors untrue according to Joss Whedon and Mark Ruffalo, After rumors appeared online that Marvel was planning another solo "Hulk" movie, two very important people to that process have weighed in on the idea. "Avengers" director Joss Whedon, and The Hulk himself, Mark Ruffalo, say there's no plans for such a project.

In an interview with IGN, Whedon was asked about the rumored "Planet Hulk" movie. "Well, I'm not really supposed to comment, but no, that's nonsense," the director says. That pretty much seals the deal right there.

However, just in case that isn't enough of a denial for fans, Ruffalo addressed the rumors on his Twitter account, saying, "A lot of folks have been asking about the Next Hulk. The next time you see my Hulk it will be in the 'Avengers 2.' No plans for stand alone."

The second "Avengers" movie isn't scheduled to be out for a couple years, with a May 2015 release date. Marvel is no slouch in 2013, though. The studio releases "Iron Man 3" in May, and "Thor: The Dark World" in November.

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