Lil Wayne Induced Coma, Two days after Lil Wayne was released from Los Angeles’ Cedars-Sinai hospital after suffering from a seizure, TMZ is reporting that the rapper is back at Cedars in the ICU, and is listed as being in critical condition. The site reports that Wayne is currently “unstable” and has been placed in an induced coma after being found unconscious on the floor of his room on Wednesday by bodyguards.
So far there is no official word from Lil Wayne’s camp or his record label, but TMZ cites sources who told the site that there’s evidence Wayne, 30, binged on Sizzurp after being released from Cedars on Wednesday, as doctors found high amounts of codeine in his system.
In 2011, Wayne opened up about his past use of Sizzurp, a drug that consists of cough syrup mixed with codeine and promethazine, in a 28-minute-long “public service” video posted online.
“I don’t do this to be cool. I did this because I was sick,” Lil Wayne warned in the clip.
TMZ is now reporting the following:
We’re told several people are at Wayne’s bedside crying, and a number of rap artists and family members are on the way. Sources say the scene is violent as Wayne shakes uncontrollably… We’re told Wanye’s stomach was pumped 3 times to flush the drugs from his system.
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