One Direction Westboro, One Direction are the latest pop stars to be targeted by the religious extremists of America's Westboro Baptist Church (WBC).
The controversial group has announced plans to picket the boy band's upcoming show at the Sprint Center in Kansas City, Missouri, branding the singers "five perverts" who "glamourise sin".
A statement posted on the Westboro Baptist Church website reads, "(One Direction are) a perfect representation of this filthy world and the sin-chasing, f**-enabling, God-hating, Christ-rejecting UK who has banned WBC from preaching within her borders.
"These freaks and their fans think it's funny for these five perverts to grab each other's a**es on stage. They glamorise sin and make a mock of God's standards. Their one purpose is to encourage the youth of this generation to pursue every lust their evil hearts can imagine."
The church's members are well-known for demonstrating outside concerts - they have protested outside gigs by the Foo Fighters and Radiohead, and also plan to picket an upcoming Taylor Swift show in August.
The country star, who once dated One Direction hunk Harry Styles, was called a "dirty, pirate h**ker" by WBC heads due to her busy romantic life.
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