
The man - the king of beasts

The man - the king of beasts. Nobody knows exactly how many of them left now - the latest expert estimates are in 1990 and are not very accurate. Their Atlantic cousins ​​drove nearly everyone. It is believed that the Pacific walrus has about 200 000 individuals. In 1956, the State walrus hunting was banned in the Soviet Union completely - the kind was on the verge of extinction. The right to hunt walrus have only a local population of Chukotka. There it is called "traditional kind of hunting" and "ancient craft". Walrus meat canned and eaten in winter, and Fang make different funny figurines to sell to tourists. So every year in late summer in the sea hunters out and doing it the oldest fishing - they beat a walrus. RIAN press photographer Ilya Pitalev went on a hunting base, which is located at Cape Akkani, and made ​​a photo essay on how the Chukchi walrus hunt.


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