
Tom Boddingham slipper

Tom Boddingham slipper
Tom Boddingham slipper, HOW about this for a massive slip up - a man who ordered a size 14.5 slipper was sent a size 1450 instead.
Tom Boddingham, 27, has a size 13 right foot while his left is a 14-and-a-half.

But when he ordered his slipper - from a company called Monster Slippers - factory staff in China misread "size 14.5" and made a whopping 7ft size 1450.

Tom, from Ilford, east London, plans to sell the beast on eBay.

He said: "It was sent from Hong Kong and measures 210 x 130 x 65cm - about the same size as a gizzly bear.

"I reckon I must be the owner of the biggest slipper in the world."

A spokesman for Monster Slippers said the mistake was made because the factory thought the slipper was for a shop display.

Source: dailyrecord

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