Douglas Martin kidnapping post leads to drug bust
on Monday, November 14, 2011
Douglas Martin kidnapping post leads to drug bust, Facebook post leads to drug bust, Facebook post leads to Greenfield teenager's drug arrest. A Greenfield High School student was arrested for drug possession after making a Facebook post advertising a "reefer party."
According to a criminal complaint, Justin Cervera discussed the party and a drug transaction online.
Lindsey Guillermo isn't surprised.
"They post everything about their lives on Facebook," she said.
Greenfield High School's liason officer checked the 17-year old's Facebook page, as he often does with all students, and allegedly found the post.
Someone wrote "I'll take a five" on Cervera's main page.
Cervera replied "Bro, call me ASAP."
The Greenfield Police Department said Cervera also had a video titled "Reefer Party for my Birthday."
Later that day, that liason officer saw Cervera and a friend walking near 43rd St. and Morgan Ave.
"So then he stopped to talk to them about the online information that he had," said Greenfield Det. Sgt. Mike Brunner.
Inside Cervera's pockets, the officer found marijuana and prescription drugs.
"If it weren't for these online sites, we may not have caught this guy," said Det. Sgt. Brunner. "Obviously he put it out there for us. We would be remiss if we didn't look at those resources."
Guillermo and other people in the community are glad to see it's another resource that helps curb crime.
"What you hear now is horrible," Guillermo said. "For young adults to be using drugs and how easy and accessible it is, it's sad. It's a good thing for them to be cracking down" facebook kidnapping heroin, Douglas martin heroin marijuana, Douglas martin reaction ex-girlfriend,
Cervera will be in court for a preliminary hearing next week.
Source: todaystmj4
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