Worst Job In Canada, Just some of Canada worst jobs---Horrible Jobs In Canada and What They Pay: Although my article does not list all the worst jobs in the world or the worst jobs a person could possibly get, it does explain 6 of the worst which you can get here in Canada or any other part of the world. Out of these 6 jobs between me and 3 of my friends, we have a little experience in each field.
Crime Scene Cleaner:
This job is not for the weak hearted. It has to be one of the more disgusting jobs no matter where you go in the world. What the job entitles you to do is to attend crime scenes after police and forensics have went over everything. Only then are you ready to get to work cleaning up the crime scene.
First the clean team enters the property or crime scene and start by removing body parts. Sometimes the body parts which include nose, ears and teeth can be spread all around the scene.
Usually after the body parts are removed then the team removes anything that has been contaminated by blood or other bodily fluids like floor tiles, rugs, baseboards and so on. After that then the scene is scrubbed down and sprayed with a disinfectant and air freshener to kill any unpleasant odors from the clean up or left from the crime. Not a job for me or something my stomach could handle but average pay for this line of works starts at around $50,500 depending where you live, operate and how much experience you have. Not bad but again I couldn't do it!
Sewer Inspector:
Welcome to the world of sewer inspection. This is one of the most disgusting, dangerous and just down right sick jobs that has to be done. What this jobs duties are, is to crawl down into small claustrophobic conditions and crawl through tunnels and tiny spaces. It's dark, wet, and filled with rats and roaches and full of human waste which you crawl, walk or whatever to get through it. Once down there the sewer inspector checks for breaks and cracks in the lining of the sewer wall. Not the most glorious of jobs but never the less it has to be done.
The starting wage for a sewer inspector depends on your experience, location and the sewer system but usually the pay starts around $34,000 yearly. Just last year a sewer inspector in Hampton, N.H. made $61,058. Alright pay but again not a job I would enjoy or even could possibly do.
Mortician "Undertaker":
The modern profession of being a mortician started in England in the 1700's and has continued on to this day. Although back in the day the undertaker didn't do what nearly a "Mortician" does now.
I personally have a friend of the family who is a "Undertaker" or "Mortician" and he says, it is one of the most disturbing jobs you can have. While dealing with dead bodies there are many factors you have to take into consideration. My friend claims that the worst days of being in that line of work are, when small children come in to be worked on.
He had many heart breaking stories of children who had been in bad accidents or murdered or so on, that he has had to embalm and prepare for viewing. Also my friend informed me you have to handle the bodies with extreme care because although they might be deceased you can still catch parasites for the them. He also told me once he forgot to wear his gloves and ended up getting crabs from a body.
Just one of the horror stories he told me. Basically what an Undertakers job is, is to bring in the body and lay it down on a steel draining table. Once clothes are removed and the body is washed 2 tubes are placed in the body. One tube is to remove any human liquids and waste from inside the body while the other one pumps in a solution that is called "Formaldehyde".
What this does is preserves the body from decaying and smelling. "Formaldehyde has many other uses as well like on warts. After the embalming process is done then the body is dressed and make up is applied to make the body look like its more less alive. What's the average salary for the Mortician? Well like any other job it depends on location and experience but usually starting pay is about $21.75 an hour. The whole process is way more detailed then what I described but this will give you an overall picture what its like to be a "Mortician".
Farming is one of Canada's lively hoods and a lot of the population depends on our farmers. I know from first hand how hard these people work and how little the pay can be if the weather or any other devastation happens in the area. Farmers work pretty much a 20 hour day with very little breaks in between. In order to be a successful farmer you have to have knowledge in many area's or the farm won't produce nothing.
You have to be able to treat and see problems in your live stock, you need mechanical skills to keep the farm and equipment running smoothly, have to keep your bills and books in order, fill quotes, pay property taxes and the list is endless. Farming today is a thankless job with very low pay. With the weather constantly changing and diseases, farmers barely have a chance to make a profit. I loved the hard work of farming but the truth was it just wasn't pay the bills. A farm laborer can earn anywhere from $8 an hour to $30.
Flat Roofer "Tar Roofing":
Here's a really tough and horrible job if there ever was one. I was a flat roofer for the last 7 years and yes although it is horrible, hard, dirty, long, very hot and dangerous I loved it. A lot of people will disagree with me but I found flat roofing to be one of the most satisfying and enjoyable jobs I ever had. You constantly change scenery, meet new people and it keeps your body fit.
There are many draw backs of tar roofing though. Many companies here in Canada pay well but roofing is seasonal and there's no benefits. Also working at such high heights in extreme heat is really dangerous. Its very demanding work and punishes your body.
Basically what flat roofing involves is going up on a roof and removing the old tar and gravel that's there. This takes anywhere from an hour or two depending on the size of the roof. Once that's done then its time to start bring up the roofing materials which are usually metal to cover the edges, paper rolls which will cover large areas of the roof , and gravel to help with drainage when the roof is done. While doing this you have a thing called either a "Tar Pot" or "Kettle" that's on the ground being heated to 450 degrees.
A tar pot or kettle should never be heated to 500 degrees because that's the flash point or the point it can com bust and start fire. While its heating someone should be breaking either 50lbs or 100lbs blocks of tar and placing them very gently into the kettle. The kettle will quickly melt it down to a very thick and hot black liquid. Hot tar is 5 times hotter then boiling water and can burn you instantly.
Once the tar is hot then its either pumped to the roof or carried up a ladder by a laborer to the guy on top that's mopping. Mopping the tar out is a lot like mopping the floor except the weight of the tar and the mop get to about 80lbs and you have to spread it fast and lay the base sheets before it cools or you won't get a seal. Finally the metal is put on around the edges of the building to give it a better seal and appearance, then the gravel is placed out evenly and thinly so water can drain evenly instead of sitting in one spot.
Again hard work and I enjoyed it very much but the downsides are you can be burned badly, you can fall, weather affects how much you work, and the smoke from the melting tar can badly damage your lungs. The pay rate on this job various depending on your experience, the size of the job and company and how fast you work. A laborer will usually start out around $12 an hour to $15 and a more experience roofer might get anywhere between $25 an hour to $35 for starting.
Read more: http://voices.yahoo.com/awful-jobs-found-canada-846991.html?cat=9
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