Valentino Designed Anne Hathaway's Wedding Dress, "Les Miserables" actress Anne Hathaway wore Valentino during her co-hosting stint at the 2011 Oscars. And now, Valentino Garavani, the fashion house's founder, reveals that Hathaway will be donning one of his creations on an even more important occasion -- her wedding day!
The designer tells reporters at the New York City Ballet Fall Gala on Thursday (Sept. 20) that he "did the dress" for Hathaway's upcoming wedding to her fiancé, Adam Shulman.
"She's a very good friend of mine," he says, according to People. "She's like my daughter!"
Garavani hinted in December that he might be designing the gown.
"I am so happy for Anne. And I would do my best creation for her," Valentino told People at the time. "She's a lovely person. She wears the clothes very, very well. So I would do something special."