
Best Political One Liners

Best Political One Liners
Best Political One Liners. The week’s top 10 best quotes in politics:

”My palm isn’t large enough to write all my notes down on what this tax increase will result in.” — Sarah Palin, talking taxes (and her love of hand notes) on “Fox News Sunday.”

“I got played.” — Bristol Palin, explaining why she cut off her engagement with Levi Johnston.

”To me, this has the tortured ring of someone arguing that every southpaw Cy Young winner in the American League since the advent of the designated hitter has had a lower ERA in away games on Astroturf than any right hander.” — Sen. Al Franken, responding to Republicans faulting Elena Kagan having only two years of private sector legal work under her belt.

“We tried jiujitsu, we tried yoga, we tried everything we could to get Republicans to come along.” — Sen. Harry Reid, describing the Democratic Party’s efforts to get bipartisan support behind cap and trade.

“Where the hell do they get these names?” — CBS News’ Katie Couric, pondering the Palin family’s names in a off-camera moment made public this week.

”Scaring white people is good politics.” — MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, giving her take on the Republican Party’s strategy on “The Late Show with David Letterman.”

”Not since ‘Waterworld’ has $100 million been spent so poorly in California.” — Democratic Governors Association head Nathan Daschle, assessing Republican Meg Whitman’s spending in the California gubernatorial race.

“If a poll was to come out tomorrow and say that Floridians would see you in a better light if you hug a palm tree for 30 minutes a day, he would be out there for an hour hugging a palm tree. It’s the way he operates.” — Rep. Kendrick Meek, knocking Gov. Charlie Crist for being politically expedient.

“I will be there sometime. … I mean it.” — Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, threatening to sit in Fox News’ new front row seat in the White House press briefing room (Fox later clarified that he was just kidding).

“Nobody owes Tony Hayward an apology.” — White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, being blunt about BP.


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