
Fast and Furious Worse Than Watergate

Fast and Furious Worse Than Watergate - President Obama’s invocation of executive privilege to shield Attorney General Eric Holder from the Republican effort to cite him for contempt of Congress had former GOP presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry drawing parallels with Richard Nixon and Watergate Sunday on CBS’s Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer.

“[W]ith Watergate, you had a second-rate burglary,” Perry said. “And now you have a president who is using his executive privilege to keep that information from Congress. If that’s not Nixonian, then I don’t know what is, Bob.”

The deaths of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and over 200 Mexicans from the “Fast and Furious” gun walking operation make Watergate pale in comparison in Perry’s opinion.

Perry asked Schieffer if he would agree with the Nixon comparison, to which the host replied, “Well – I would.”

Obama’s decision to invoke executive privilege should be troubling to most Americans because it underscores a lack of transparency in the Obama administration, according to Perry.

“What I would favor is the President of the United States being transparent with what is going on. I mean what is so important– I mean what are they hiding?” Perry asked. “What has gone on that is so important that I’m going to use executive privilege to keep the United States Congress from having documents? This is really troubling.”

On the subject of Bain Capital, Perry sought to shift away from the criticisms he leveled against Mitt Romney during the primary campaign by saying it was a bad strategy then for him and it will be just as useless for the president in the waning days of the campaign.

“Well, I’d say this that attack didn’t work during the primary. It’s not going to work during the general election either,” Perry said.

Perry went on to attack Obama for his amnesty announcement for young illegal immigrants, saying that it is an effort to deflect attention away from the sour economy.

“The Hispanic population is three percentage points higher in unemployment. There are two million more Hispanics not working today. This president’s going to pitch everything at the wall that he can to deflect off the sour economy that we have in this country, particularly, in the Hispanic population,” Perry said. “So, yeah, I’d go talk about everything else in the world to try to deflect the American people off of the most important issue and that is how are we going to get Americans working again?”


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